Olav Davidse Hotel Director - Badhotel Renesse

Badhotel Renesse

With RevControl we were able to massively increase our Revenue!

Badhotel Renesse & RevControl

  • 0% Increase in RevPar!
  • 0+ Automatically published rates
  • Lots Of time saved!

Revenue Management costs a lot of time and effort. Keeping track of all the different factors that could influent your price setting 24/7 is quite a challenge.

By using RevControl, you will never lose track of those factors. RevControl takes many factors in to consideration to calculate the best result based on occupancy level and optimal result per room. “Hiring a yield manager is therefore unnecessary”. Thanks to RevControl our revenue has increased with major steps. In comparison to last year our RevPAR has increased 27% in July 2020 and 20% in August 2020

I absolutely recommend RevControl. It is a minimum investment for an optimal result!

Robin Sleegers, Sales Manager

Robin SleegersSales Manager

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